Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Easy Tricks Taking Pictures from Word Documents

Easy Tricks Taking Pictures from Word Documents

Perhaps you have experienced these events in their daily work, you have to take a picture that has been inserted directly in a Microsoft Word document! Maybe you had to do it because the sender is not included image files separately. The most common way is most often done by copying the image to the application Paint or other image editor, then save the image in a new file. If the images inserted in Word is not too much, actually used this way is not too problematic. But, what if the inserted image so much? This will make us busy and slow work.

Do not want to use that way? Heres the easiest trick to take the pictures that have been inserted inside the word document, which is a way to save as word document as a "web page".

Below are easy steps:
1. Prepare a Word document that the pictures will be taken.

 2. Click the Microsoft Office icon at the top left and select Save As (Microsoft Word 2007 & 2010) or "File> Save As" (Microsoft Word 2003).

3. In the Save as type, change the type of file into a Web Page, as shown below.
4. Specify a folder to save the data, specify a file name, then select Save.
5. Open the folder where you store the data earlier. In it there will be an HTML file of documents that we saved earlier and subfolders directory elements in it.
The pictures that we will automatically take was in a subfolder that contains those elements!
 Good luck with your colleagues 

Available link for download