Thursday, January 12, 2017
Etisalat Chat Social Plans USSD Codes
Etisalat Chat Social Plans USSD Codes
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Etisalat is back with mouth watering plans to light up your social media presence, Now you need not worry about being offline.
With The New Etisalat Social Me and Chat pack Data Plans, You get Access to almost your favourite social networks without limitations.
You get access to instagram,
facebook,twitter,BBM & whatsapp you can also download movies and music files from 12.30am till 4.30am and keep talking for less at 11k/sec.
Etisalat Chatpack/SocialMe Activation Codes
social me pak(weekly plan ?150)
social me pak(monthly plan ?500)
video night bundle(?500)
Etisalat Chatpack Daily (#100)
If by far you encounter problems, feel free to use the comment box.
Available link for download